The Help directed by Tate Taylor was a very touched
movie. It shows the racist between the white people and black people. The black
people worked as a maid and sometimes they have been calling as a Negro which
meant slavery.
In this movie, Skeeter was a white girl who also a journalist
who wanted to interview the maids. No maid wanted to be interview as 1st
because they might worried that they will be in troubled. Aibileen was the 1st
one who agreed to be interviewed. Minny did not agree with the interview as she
has the same thoughts with others that the maid will get into the trouble but
she was agreed to interview later on.
The maid was treated badly, most of the time they were
accused for stealing and fire them.
were not allowed to use the same toilet because they believed that the black
people bring some diseases. Minny was immediately fired by Hilly for after
using her toilet. Hilly was a racist person. She accuses Abilileen for stealing
the sliver and wanted to fire her.
Aiblileen was Elizabeth’s maid; she has been
taking care of her daughter Mae. She knew that Elizabeth is not able to take
care of her children by herself. The sad
part is when Elizabeth was force to accept the unacceptable firing of Aibileen
and Mae is crying at the window shouting for Aibileen.
Minny was lucky to meet Celia after being fired by
Hilly. Celia was married to a rich guy which is Hilly ex boyfriend. Celia was
outcast by the others. She wanted a maid to help cleaning the big house and
cooking without her husband knowing it. Celia treated Minny far way better than
Hilly. She even eats together with Minny at the same table. Minny taught Celia
on cooking and also comfort her when she is upset.
At the end, Celia and her
husband prepared a warm meal cooked by Celia for Minny. Minny was very touched.
Skeeter had finally submitted her writing about the
maids and the book (The Help) was published. The book was sold a thousand
copies with a very good response. Skeeter and her boyfriend had broken up after
the book was published. He think that she is being very selfish and rude with
the chapter about Hilly had eaten the chocolate pie that contains Minny’s shit.
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