Thursday, 1 March 2012

Cuci The Musical. The last kopek.

In story of Cuci The Musical is about four brothers: Fairil, Khai, Jojo and C. Tan. Four of them are orphans and they live and grew up together. The owned a small washing window company, 

Cuci-Cuci Services. They always got fired by their clients because they are always not serious with their job. After being fired for 43 times, their big brother Fairil voiced ups his dream to enter the Window Washing Olympics and they have given the opportunity to join by Miss CJ. Miss CJ was fall in love with Khai at the 1st sight.

They won the 2nd place in the Window Washing Olympics and they felt very happy with it as it 
is their 1st time that they compete in the competition without any experiences. But unfortunately, Fairil was bribed by Wira Pemaju (who was the winner of Window Washing Olympics for numerous years) to lose in the competition with the amount of RM40, 000. The relationship of the four brothers went bad and Fairil left because of that.
Miss CJ knew Wira Pemaju was bribing the contestant and wanted a rematch for Cuci-Cuci 

Services and Wira Pemaju. But the Cuci-Cuci Services did not want to. But under advice and talk by Tan Sri (father of Miss CJ), they finally decided to rematch with Wira Pemaju but without Fairil as he leave the group earlier. During the rematch, Wira Pemaju went up to the building and cut the safety rope that tied with Khai. Lucky Fairil was there and saved his two brothers Khai and C Tan. After the entire incident, Fairil was back with his brothers. They forgave each other mistake and continue with their journey.

In this Cuci The Musical, we have learn to forgive and willing to change even if you did a big mistake earlier. A good relation is not easy to build but it is very easy to break it down. Money cannot buy love and happiness. Do not blind ourselves with money instead of happiness from our love one. 

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